Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
Text File
405 lines
Iconize - Iconizes Home Manager to sit on the WorkBench.
From the icon, on WB, you can either Return to
the current module or go to another.
Shortcut key = Control - ESCape
Main-Config - Will take you to the Main Module which has
the Config button plus other Module buttons.
Needed mainly to go to Config.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - m
Address Book - Takes you to the Address Book. Keep all your
Names, Numbers and Addresses. Both Personal
and Business.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 1
Appointments - Takes you to the Appointment Scheduler. Keep
track of your appointments in any month up to
an infinite year.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 2
Important Phones - Takes you to Important Phone Numbers. Quick
and dirty listing of your important phone
numbers. Both Business and Personal.Has dialer.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 7
Inventory - Takes you to Inventory database. Keep a comprehensive
listing of all your valuables.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 4
NotePad - Takes you to a small text editor with some search and
replace functions. MacroKeys.
Text file merging (insert). Choice of ASCII and ANSI.
Shortcut key - Right Amiga - 6
ToDo's - Takes you to the ToDo's. Keep track of both your
Business and Personal ToDo items. Also has dialer
if needed.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 8
Area Codes - Brings the Area Code Lister onto the current screen.
This will help you find an area code for anywhere in
the world. Enter Area Code or City name in Search.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 3
The Wallet - Takes you to The Wallet. An area for keeping track of
all those cards in your wallet. Also has dialer.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 9
Quit - Brings up a requester asking if you wish to quit or not.
** Remember to save your work before quitting !!
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - q
Palette - Brings up a small window. You can then make colour
adjustments to the 8 colour pallette and to the
screen text.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - p
Help - The button you have hit to get this info. To leave
the Help mode, just click the the close button in
the top Righthand corner of this window.
Shortcut key = HELP key
Info - Gives you a screen with a short description of
Home Manager Pro. Also My name, address, phone number
and where to get hold of me online.
Shortcut key = Right Shift - HELP
Alarm - The clock window is also the button for getting the
alarm setting window. You can set a 24 hour alarm in
military time from the window.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - /
My Computer - Takes you to the My Computer database. Here you can
keep a comprehensive list of your computer hardware
AND software. Has dialer.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - 5
Personal/Business Selection - Select between your Business and Personal
Database for this area. Shows list of all
Names/Companies in the database.
Shortcut key = Personal = Right Amiga - Business = Right Amiga +
Listing - Shows complete list of Names/Items/Companies in database.
Shortcut key = NONE
Hardware/Software Selection - Select between your Business and Personal
Database for this area. Shows list of all
Names/Companies in the database.
Shortcut key = Personal = Right Amiga - Business = Right Amiga +
New - Creates a blank database entry. The cursor will move to the
first field on the screen. You can then proceed to enter
new data.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - a
Search - Brings up a requester for searching all fields in the
database. Each module will have it's own specific search
fields. It is NOT case sensitive.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - z
Delete - Will delete the current entry on screen. To make the
deletion final, you must do a Save. Also, when you
leave the module, a Save is automatic.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - d
Save - Will save all the current work you have done. Only needs
to be done after all entries or editing of entries is
completed. Automically done when leaving the module.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - s
Print Entry - Prints current entry listed on the screen. Will print
all fields and documents with their respective
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - e
Print List - Prints complete list of database with ALL fields and
documents included. Each entry will be separated by
a 70 column broken line.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - l
Print Label - Will print name (or item) and address of current entry
on a 3 1/2" X 15/16" label. 5 lines total.
Currently only one label at a time.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - o
Print Names - Prints JUST Names and Phone Numbers from the complete
Address Book database.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - n
To Phones - Will flag the current entry's Name and Phone Numbers.
They can then be inserted in the Important Phones as an
entry by using it's F button. Only does 1 entry at a time.
From Phones - Will insert a flagged entry from the Important Phones
module as if you had entered the Names and Numbers
manually. Only 1 entry at a time.
To Addresses -Will flag the current entry's Name and Phone Numbers.
They can then be inserted in the Address Book as an
entry by using it's F button. Only does 1 entry at a time.
From Addresses -Will insert a flagged entry from the Address Book
module as if you had entered the Names and Numbers
manually. Only 1 entry at a time.
Dial Number - Initializes the modem and dials the number to the
left of the button pushed. Once dialed, pick up the
receiver and click the H button.
Hang Up - Use to either abort a dialing procedure or after dialing
a number, pick up the receiver and click this button.
Notes - Clicking this button produces a full screen for editing and/or
loading text files for inclusion in your Notes about the
current entry. Has the same features as the NotePad module.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - .
Print Items - Prints JUST Items, Manufacturer's Name, Serial Number
and Cost from the complete Inventory database.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - n
Clear - This will clears all entries in the current appointment
schedule on the screen.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - c
Delete - Will delete all appointments for the current file on
screen from disk.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - d
Print - A complete page of the current Appointments will be
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - e
Save - The current Appointments for this date will be saved to disk.
They will be read and flagged to show on the current month.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - s
Full Page - This will give you a full page to edit your appointments
for the current date. Once in Full Page mode, you can
click the H in the bottom righthand corner to return.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - f
Next Year - This will move you up one year each time you click it.
Shortcut key = Left Shift - Right Arrow
Previous Year - This will move you back one year each time you click it.
Shortcut key = Left Shift - Left Arrow
Next Month - Moves calender up one month when you click it.
Shortcut key = Left ALT - Right Arrow
Previous Month - Moves calender back one month when you click it.
Shortcut key = Left ALT - Left Arrow
Calender - Clicking on a day will open appointment schedule for that
day. Select SAVE to save your entries.
GoTo Mnth - Click here, then on number square from 1 to 12.
You will then go to that month.
Load Document - A file requester will appear and you can load any ASCII
or FTXT file for editing. If you are in the ANSI version
of NotePad, you can also load an MS-DOS ANSI file.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - a
Insert Document - A file requester will appear and you can insert a
text file at the cursor position in your current
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - i
Print - Print your document to your Preferences printer.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - e
Save - A file requester will appear and you can save your document
to a file. File is saved in either ASCII or ANSI format
depending on which version of NotePad you are in.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - s
ANSI/ASCII - Depending on which NotePad screen you are in, this will
switch your font between Topaz or ANSI. If your button says
ANSI, you are in ASCII mode and vice versa. Click this
button to switch accordingly.
Shortcut keys = ASCII = Right Amiga - ANSI = Right Amiga +
Top - This will move your cursor to the top of the current document
you are working on.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - t
Bottom - This will move your cursor to the bottom of the current
document you are working on.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - b
Page Up - This will move your cursor 40 lines up at a time. Basically
a screen of text at a time.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - Right Shift - (
Page Down - This will move your cursor 40 lines down at a time.
Basically a screen of text at a time.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - Right Shift - )
Word Wrap - Once your text file is completed or at any time you wish,
set a number in the bottom right hand box of NotePad and
click W. This will wrap all text to that column number.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - w
Clear Document - This will clear the current document from your screen
and memory. Careful. Be sure that is what you want.
Shortcut key - Right Amiga - c
Search - A small requester appears and you enter the text you wish to
search for. It is NOT case sensitive and searches from the
current cursor position, forward. Right Amiga - ESC to clear.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - z
Search & Replace - Requester appears for the Search and Replace text.
Enter your choices and hit return. To do a Global
replace, click the G button on the right.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - r
Print Numbers - Prints JUST the 3 Phone Numbers and the Name
from the complete Important Phone Numbers database.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - n
411 - Will dial 411 for information. Remember, pick up the telephone
and click H to communicate on the phone.
Print Leads - Print the Lead Line (ToDo) and corresponding Phone
number, if any.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - n
Print Cards - Print the Card Name, Card Number and Expiry date of
all the entries in your Wallet database.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - n
Print Names - Print Software/Hardware Name, Version, and Serial
Number for all the entries in your Computer database.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - n
Macros - Brings up Macros Module. You can assign function keys 1 - 10
with single line/255 character macros and the Right Shift
plus F1 - F10 with text files.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - m
Tone or Pulse - Configure Home Manager Pro to do either Tone or Pulse
Dialing in the various modules. Obviously, this does
nothing if you have selected to Disable Dialing in
Dialing - Select Enable to allow the Dialing functions to work in HMP.
Or select Disable to keep the serial port clear. Some
Terminal programs (NComm for example) don't share the serial
port too well and it might prove useful to Disable dialing
if another serial-accessing program is also running.
Clock Alarm - A File Requester will appear and you can locate the
sound of your choice to be played when your clock alarm
is activated. You can also enter the path and file in
the field manually.
ToDo Alert - A File Requester will appear and you can locate the
sound of your choice to be played at the startup of HMP
to alert you to pending ToDo's. You can also enter
the path and file in the field manually.
Appointments Alert - A File Requester will appear and you can locate
the sound of your choice to be played at the
startup of HMP to alert you to pending
Appointments. You can also enter the path and
file in the field manually.
Busy Serial Port - A File Requester will appear and you can locate the
sound of your choice to be played at the startup of
HMP to alert you to the serial port being used by
another program. You can also enter the path and file
in the field manually.
Iconize on Startup - If you select Yes, HM Pro will start up in an
Iconized form on the WorkBench. You can then
select from it's drop down menu whichever
module you wish to go to. Selecting No will
HM Pro from it's Main Menu state.
Clock Format - 12 will give you a 12 hour format clock in all your
modules. eg. 02:30:01 P.M. 24 will give you a 24 hour
Military style clock. eg. 14:30:01
Date Format - Alpha will give you an Alphabetic and Numeric date in
all your modules. eg. Mar. 23/93. Numeric will give you
strictly numeric format. eg. 03/23/93
Autosave Data - If you select Yes in the configuration, your data from
the current database your are in will be automatically
saved upon leaving the module. If you select No, then
you must manually save the data before leaving the
Save Config - This will save all your adjustments you have made in
this current config. It saves it to HMPro:Resources
and SHOULD NOT be edited outside of the HM Pro
Configuration Menu.
Use Config - This allows you to make changes in your config that will
only be effective during the current session with HM Pro.
Once you have Quit HM Pro, these changes are no longer in
effect. Select Use then Return.
Return - Clicking this button will Return you to the module you were
at originally before coming to the Configuration Menu.
Serial Device - If you are using a serial device other than the
Commodore built in serial port, you will have to
let HM Pro know which device you are using.
Clicking this button brings up a requester to
locate the device driver.
Config - Takes you to the Configuration Menu. This will allow you to
set up Home Manager Pro more to your own personal preferences.
Once there, you can make your selections and save the file.
Shortcut key = Right Amiga - * <- I use the one on the keypad
Data Location - A File Requester will appear and you can choose the
PATH ONLY to save all your data. You MUST NOT enter
a filename. Make sure your Path ends in a / or :.
Filenames are already pre-assigned.
Macros - You will see 10 fields for each Funtion Key which will allow
you to assign up to 255 characteres as a macro. You will also
see 10 Right Shift - Function key fields with buttons to the
right. Click the button to locate the text file to be used as
a macro.